Most of your parents might have told you at some time "Study hard,get good grades & make us proud" just as my parents.This is because we have been made to believe that education is an inevitable thing and completely indispensable for the the development of an individual.Education , although necessary,does not bring complete development in a child.
As to how it is a disadvantage,here are some facts you might or might not be aware of :-
1) The education system in India is a descendant of the Education system during British Rule.This in turn is an adaptation of system during American Civil War which they used on the slaves so that they may not rebel or revolt or question the authority.
2) The slaves had to learn the exact subjects that the masters wanted them to learn,they were not given a choice.
3) The learning was possible only at the time which the master preferred.
4) Their confidence was thwarted by judging them with exams and grades so that they may never develop a liking for anything and fight back to learn.
These a just a few similarities from many that I have stated here .I will be writing more about this in the posts to come.In the meanwhile you may try to find a similarity between our current system and the system used on Slaves.