1)Emotional Dependency:-
By prizes,honors and disgraces the self esteem of the student becomes a toy in the hands of teachers,parents and everyone except himself.When a student doesnt perform in any examination, he gets a tag of "dumb" or "stupid" and his confidence dives.This low self esteem is to be held responsible for majority of the students suicides that we see today in our society.
2)Intellectual Dependency:-
Parents often tell their children to seek counsel from rankers.The ones who are perceived to be more "intelligent" then them.They must wait for people better trained than them to make meaning of their lives.As a result they lose their ability to discover things for themselves.
3)Fear of Failure:-
Criticism of failure incites within us a fear of failure.As a result we are afraid to experiment and always prefer to go with the masses.Each and every advancement,be it technological or social,is derived from experimentation and learning from mistakes.
By allowing this system to take control of our lives we are preventing our students to flourish fully and and hindering their progress and that of our nation.