Here's a true story:
Once two people got lost in the desert.One was a chemistry professor(with a Phd) , and the other ,a camel man.
While the professor was taking a sip from his water bottle,suddenly he stumbled and all the water from the bottle fell onto the ground.Their last reserve of water was exhausted.
Prof:How are we gonna survive without water!!!!That was the last bottle.
Camelman:Don't worry we will get the spilled water back into the bottle.
Prof:But that is impossible!!!!All the water will soon evaporate.
Saying so ,the camel man took out a transparent plastic foil and tore it up.Then he started digging a hole and put the bottle in the middle of the place where the water had spilled.After that he spread the transparent foil across the hole and put the stone in the middle so that the the foil dipped down in the bottle in the shape of a funnel.
Soon, small drops of water began to form on the underside of the foil.The sun heated the ground under the foil,so the moisture in the sand evaporated until enclosed air became so saturated that small drops of water deposited on the cooler foil and eventually filled the bottle.
The professor with all his degrees and qualifications would not have been able to save himself had it not been for the camel man.We are trained to memorize facts but are never encouraged to apply it.We are taught Apollonian theorems and calculus and so on, most of which the we don't ever use in our entire lives or rather don't know how to............I wonder why so???????