When i was in the 10th standard, one of my friends told me "Nobody sees your report card when you grow up, all they see is your bank balance".This attitude has become very rampant in today's time.The value of education is diminishing in the minds of children as well as their parents.After all children learn from their parents.The question is whether this attitude is correct....?
Well here's a story :
In a voluptuous city known for its entrepreneurial spirit and abundance of business class, there resided a family whose wealth exceeded the possesions 70% of the city population's combined.
The family comprised of a man, his wife and his only son.After his son completed his 12th standard exam, his father asked him to join the family business and he was pleased to do so.When the boy reached a marriagable age his father started looking for a bride.After some looking, a meeting was fixed between the the girl and the boy and the conversation went as follows.
Boy:You look very beautiful and I want to marry you.I will provide you with all the luxuries in the world.What do you have to say..?
Girl:Even I like you but I will marry you only on 1 condition......you must complete your graduation.
Boy:We have a flourishing business and very respectable reputation in the market.What is the use of a degree.....I dont think we need it.
Girl:My condition is unalterable...I have made myself clear....If you cant even do such a small thing for me .....forget the marriage proposal.
And so it was decided.The boy, having fallen in love at first sight, convinced his father to allow him to pursue graduation although both of them considered it a waste of time.The subject of graduation did not matter much so he decided to choose a subject of intrest....computers(BCA to be specific).
Came the new millenium and the world was struck by the revolution called.....internet business.It opened many doors and provided very bright prospects....the world was discovring a whole new way of doing business....But there were a few people who were not all that happy about the progress the word was making.Those were the ignorant and rich business class.The people who once cared two hoots about their competitors were struggling to survive and avoid bankrupcy.
The boy's father could not fathom why his customers were running away.The boy seeing the situation decided to open an online portal.The company was tight on cash and could not afford a professional web designer so the boy decided do all the work himself.
The website started bringing good revenues and their life slowly but steadily returned to normalcy.The day the company revenues reached 10cr mark, he told his wife "Thank you so much for making me do graduation...had it not been you we would have gone bankrupt just like other businesses in our line".....And you know what the wife replied...????
"The world is not stagnant...it changes rapidly....in a world where fortunes are made and lost in the blink of an eye, Education provides the foundation and stability on which empires are build.Money is an important aspect of life but we still need education to retain it...and there are many situations where money alone will not suffice.Knowledge is the new wealth"
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