Friday, February 4, 2011


Come the board exams and all hell breaks loose.Student helplines constantly ringing,newspapers filled with news about suicide attempts and the rise in the depression rate of students.The question is why so much fuss about a mere examination?Answer is quite simple.It is because we have been educated to treat everything like a means to an end and nothing else.It is because our learning is constantly led by either greed or fear.Greed to secure rewards/fame and fear of not doing well in life.And this takes out all the fun out of learning.

When we look at our books and the words, letters and sentences in it as dead objects incapable of bringing any significant transformation in our lives, we begin to find it boring.But a degree being a necessity to do well in lives and marks being a medium to 'prove' ourselves we strive to get marks.Some numbers on a piece of paper become an severe that it causes depressions and suicides.But even if we manage to survive, the life doenst get any better.This mentality of treating everything as only a means to an end continues in the job.Everyday becomes hectic ,boring,lusterless,dull and prisonlike.....

If at all there is an urge to change things, the thinking must first change.Learning can be fun, it can be innovative ..ALIVE.Knowledge itself might not interesting, but if we combine it with out imagination to use it ,apply it,to alter the world around us,even if little, our learning becomes worth it.Creativity combined with knowledge can work wonders.Then learning no longer remains a chore, as you fall in love with it.Just as a 'not so famous' saying says:

Learning should be full of ideas instead of stuffed with facts

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